What to Wear to Paintball: 12 Things You Need to Succeed

what to wear for paintball

Have you always wanted to play paintball but weren’t sure what kind of clothes and gear to wear?

Paintball requires special protective equipment in order for you to stay as safe as possible.

That’s why we put together this ultimate guide on what to wear to paintball.

We cover everything from head to toe, including masks, chest protectors, padding, and more.

Plus, we explain the different types of clothing that suit different playing styles.

With our help, you can come out looking good while being protected against the most intense paintball opponents.

Don’t wait another minute – read our guide now so that your first – or next – paintball experience benefits from having the right protection!

What do You Need to Wear for Paintball?

person wearing camo

what to wear to paintball

When it comes to paintball, comfort and protection are key.

The good news is that there’s a wide variety of clothes and gear available to suit any playing style or level.

Here’s what you need for the most comfortable, safe experience:

  • Mask
  • Shirt
  • Pants
  • Shoes
  • Hat/Headwrap
  • Pads
  • Gloves

Reasons You Need the Right Outfitting for Paintball

hangars in a closet

Having the right outfitting can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some of the reasons why it’s important to invest in quality paintball gear:


Let’s face it: paintball hurts sometimes.

Paintball requires the use of special protective equipment, such as masks, in order to keep players safe from paintball guns.

Wearing gear and clothes that aren’t designed for paintball can lead to serious injury.


Quality clothing and gear will provide comfort while you play.

Shirts made from breathable fabrics, like cotton or synthetic materials, will help you stay cool and dry during intense games.

Plus, choosing shoes with good traction helps improve your movement on slippery surfaces.


If you want to look good while playing, you can find stylish clothes and gear in a variety of colors, patterns, and sizes.

Whether you’re playing recreationally or competitively, there are plenty of options to choose from to help you make a statement on the field.

What to Wear to Paintball

person wearing camo

Now that you know why the right outfitting is important, let’s look at a few key pieces of gear and clothing you need at the bare minimum:

1. Mask

A good quality paintball mask is essential – and required – for proper eye and face protection.

The best paintball masks will have a polycarbonate lens, adjustable straps, and ventilation holes to keep you comfortable while playing.

2. Shirt

We recommend a long-sleeved t shirt to provide arm protection from paintballs, as well as keep you cool during the game.

Look for shirts made with breathable fabrics like cotton or synthetic materials to ensure maximum comfort and flexibility.

Paintball jerseys are also an option, as they provide additional protection with padding around the arms, chest and shoulders.

You can even get customizable paintball jerseys.

3. Pants

Long pants help keep you safe from flying paintballs and minimize the risk of bare skin irritation from vegetation if you’re playing in the woods.

Look for pants made with thick, durable materials like denim or synthetics to ensure they last longer.

It’s also a good idea to choose a pair with pockets, like cargo pants, so you can store accessories like extra pods, magazines, or tools.

Paintball pants specifically offer added protection with padding around the knees and thighs. You can also find interesting colors and designs.

We don’t suggest that you wear shorts!

4. Shoes

It’s important to wear shoes with good grip, ankle support, and traction to keep your footing on slippery surfaces.

Look for shoes made with durable materials to protect your feet from sharp objects or paintballs.

Cleats are also a good choice because they provide extra traction when you’re making quick moves on the field.

You can start off with something like soccer cleats, metal cleats, or shoes for other sports.

You should wear cleats to make yourself more sure-footed on the paintball field.

Pro Tip: Colors

Consider wearing neutral colors like green, brown, and gray to help you blend in with your surroundings. Neon or bright colors can make you a target on the field.

Camouflage patterns are particularly effective for playing in the woods.

Some players choose to wear brighter colors to make a statement, especially during tournament play on the speedball field.

5. Hats, Headbands, and Head wraps

A good hat can help keep the sun out of your eyes and off your neck, and help beat summer heat.

Look for hats with breathable fabrics that are designed for athletics to provide ventilation and comfort during intense games.

It’s even ok to start with a baseball cap.

Headwraps or headbands prevent sweat from running into your eyes while you play, and can keep paint from getting in your hair.

Plus, they look cool!

Pro Tip: Layers

Layers are important for paintball if you’re playing when the temperature can change quickly, or you’re on a budget for some extra padding.

Look for items that you can easily take off that you’re wearing underneath or put on between games, like lightweight jackets.

Layering clothes also helps protect from paintballs coming your way.

6. Athletic Cups

You should always consider wearing an athletic cup for extra groin protection.

These cups provide cushioning from paintballs and keep you comfortable during the game.

Taking it to the Next Level: Accessories to Up Your Game

paintball player walking what to wear for paintball

There are plenty of paintball accessories you can use to help improve your game and look good doing at the same time.

To name a few, chest protectors, elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves will give you an added layer of protection on the field.

Let’s dive into some helpful accessories to take your paintball game to the next level and get you some extra protection with the following equipment:

7. Extra Padding

Paintball pants, paintball jerseys, armor, and neck protectors can give you an extra layer of protection on the field.

Most of these items come with additional padding in areas like the knees, chest, and elbows to provide cushioning from paintballs.

These typically come at a higher price point, but quality manufacturers can make your game a lot more comfortable.

8. Gloves

Paintball gloves are designed to protect your hands, knuckles, and fingers from injuries caused by paintballs, or even sharp objects like twigs or rocks.

They also help you grip your gun better, reducing hand fatigue during long games.

Look for gloves that fit snugly but allow flexibility for shooting, and even fingerless gloves to give you access to your bare trigger fingers.

Your hands can be exposed quite a bit if you are leaning out from cover to shoot, so wear gloves to save them if you can.

You might also need winter gloves if it’s cold outside, but make sure you find a way to have access to fingers you normally use to handle your gear.

9. Paintball Elbow Pads

Elbow pads provide cushioning to your elbows, especially when you are taking up a firing position on the ground.

They’ll also help protect your elbows and other portions of your arms from paintball rounds.

Look for adjustable straps with breathable materials that can move with you as you turn and fire.

10. Paintball Knee Pads

Knee pads provide protection, comfort and stability when you’re in a crawling position or kneeling while taking cover to shoot.

They help protect your knees from sharp objects on the ground, as well as paintballs that come your way.

They also prevent fatigue by letting your legs rest while you wait in a static shooting position.

Look for knee pads with adjustable straps for a good fit.

11. Upper Body Protection

  • Chest protectors – provide additional padding from paintballs. These cover your chest, pecs, and abdomen.
  • Vests – provide storage compartments and pockets for carrying extra supplies like paintballs. Vests provide additional padding for your upper body.

12. Helmets

military helmet

Helmets provide the best head protection for you.

There are lots of options, including paintball masks with integrated helmets, and FAST military special operations style.

Look for helmets lightweight materials that will allow you to move freely while providing superior protection.

Make sure they fit snugly but not too tight.

Helmets may be overkill when playing paintball, but they provide an extra layer of protection for your entire head, and can also add to the aesthetic if you’re playing milsim paintball.

Wrap Up

Paintball is an exciting outdoor sport, but it can also be dangerous.

Make sure to dress for success by wearing the right clothes, protective gear, and accessories.

Choose items that are comfortable, lightweight, and provide adequate padding.

Spending a little extra on quality paintball gear will make your paintball experience safe and enjoyable.

We hope this post covered everything you needed on what to wear to paintball.

If you’re interested in learning more about the sport, we have a lot of other great paintball guides.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What should a beginner wear to paintball?

At a bare minimum, beginner paintball players should bring long pants and a long-sleeved shirt, a sturdy pair of shoes (either hiking boots, tennis shoes, or running shoes), as well as a mask for eye protection to wear to paintball.

When you’re just learning how to play paintball, it’s probably not worth investing in a bunch of fancy gear only to learn that you don’t really like the sport.

It’s fine to rent a paintball gun and mask from the paintball fields you’re playing at first, wear your own clothes, then upgrade your outfit as you figure out your style of play.

Is it better to wear jeans or pants in paintball?

Blue jeans are not a good choice for paintball, as they can be fairly restrictive, not fit right for stances normally used in paintball, and do not provide adequate padding.

Paintball pants are a better choice and designed specifically for the sport will offer more protection, flexibility, breathability, and comfort.

Do your clothes get dirty in paintball?


Your clothes can get dirty in paintball as you will be crawling around on the ground and even in wet grass or mud.

Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty or stained from the action.

Darker colors are better because they will help to hide any dirt or debris on your clothing.

Your clothes will also get dirty if (more like when) a paintball hits you and breaks during the game.

The paintball paint will come out in a normal wash cycle, so don’t worry about it staining.