How to Play Paintball: 7 Simple Steps to Start Dominating

Do you like getting messy?

Playing paintball is an incredibly fun and exciting outdoor activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Whether you’re a first-time player or a seasoned pro, we’ve got everything you need to know about how to play paintball.

Once you’ve learned the basics, it’s time to put your new skills to the test on the field!

We offer a variety of different playing environments so you can find the perfect one for your style of play.

Read on now and learn to play paintball like a pro!

What is Paintball?

Person playing paintball

A paintball game comes with an adrenaline rush that has become increasingly popular since its inception in the 1980s.

It appeals to people of all ages and genders who enjoy a tactical challenge, physical activity, and spending time playing with friends.

The basics of a game of paintball are simple: two teams compete against each other in an arena, capturing a flag or eliminating the opposing team (by ‘tagging’ opponents with non toxic, water soluble dye filled projectiles from a gun).

The game requires strategy and quick reflexes, as well as teamwork and communication between players.

A paintball gun, known as a paintball marker, shoots small round pellets filled with non-toxic paint at speeds of up to 300 feet per second.

Special protective gear is worn by players to prevent injury. Paintball masks or goggles are mandatory for eye protection.

Each player carries extra paintballs which they can reload into their paintball marker during the game.

In the early days of paintball, the game played was limited primarily to woodsball, where players would engage in simulated military operations in outdoor arenas like fields or forests.

Over time, speedball became increasingly popular; this variation involves playing on a field (sometimes an artificial turf paintball facility) divided into two halves with elevated or inflatable bunkers – obstacles used to hide behind during play – placed evenly along each side.

Today there is no shortage of professional leagues and tournaments around the world that provide large prizes for the winning teams that play paintball.

Paintball has also become more widely accepted as a legitimate sport over recent years.

Reasons Why You Need to Know How to Play Paintball

Person playing paintball

Knowing how to play the game of paintball is essential for anyone who is interested in playing the sport.

Paintball is an incredible physical and mental challenge – one that forces players to think on their feet and respond quickly to changing situations.

It also encourages teamwork and communication between members of the same team.

Here are just a handful of reasons why you need to know how to play the game before you go out onto the field:

  • You need to understand the layout of the field you are playing on
  • You need to be able to react quickly to the actions of your opponents
  • You need to know how to properly use your paintball gun and other equipment, especially for saftey reasons
  • It will help you make friends and build relationships with other players and teams in the community

Our method for understanding paintball is tried and true for people who want to play the sport.

We’ve got detailed steps and tactics to help you dive in.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Understand the Game of Paintball

Now we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of how to play the game.

We’ll not only cover the high-level strategies, but the tactics as well so that you will have a good foundational understanding of the game.

Here is an overview of the steps we’ll be covering:

  1. Learn Your Rules
  2. Types of Gameplay
  3. Mindset
  4. Be Extroverted
  5. Get the Gear, Understand the Gear
  6. Practice
  7. Get in the Game

Paintball is an exhilarating sport that requires skill, strategy and quick reflexes.

Knowing the rules of the game, using the right paintball gear, and having a winning mindset are all essential elements to becoming a pro paintball player.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to understand and play paintball!

And don’t wait to check out our free starter guide eBook on paintball.

1. Learn Your Rules

There are a few ground and safety rules that must be followed for all game types you’ll be playing. You should spend time learning these rules:

  • Most games are set up so that teams play against each other for a certain amount of game time. This limit may be shown on a wall with a projection or marked by some kind of buzzer or countdown.
  • The objective of most paintball games is to have one team shoot as many players on the other team as possible. Once all players are eliminated, the game ends.
  • Do not take your mask off for any reason while you’re playing the game. There will be a safety zone where you are able to remove your mask when you’ve been eliminated. The live-fire game zone is the area beyond which you must always wear your paintball goggles.
  • Keep your barrel plug installed at all times until you enter the live-fire game zone. A barrel plug prevents a paintball from exiting the gun if the gun is fired accidentally.
  • Only once you are in the game zone can you disengage the safety on your gun. After the game starts, you can progress and go after the other team’s players.
  • Once you’re hit, go to the sidelines. A paintballer is eliminated and must leave the game zone when they’re hit by a paintball that bursts.
  • For the safety of all players, if you are closer than 3 meters (9.8 ft) to another player, shooting may not be allowed. Depending on the game or field-specific rules, if you have snuck up on another player, and are within a certain distance, you can ask them to surrender without shooting.
  • To avoid being hit multiple times after only being hit once, players should install their barrel plug and raise their hand so they can exit the playing field.
  • A player is free to carry on after a paintball hits them, and the paintball bounces off without breaking and leaving color.
  • It’s more enjoyable when everyone plays fair. If you get hit, report yourself. You’re out of the game.

2. Types of Gameplay

There are lots of different types of gameplay scenarios. Here is an overview of the most popular types of gameplay:


Speedball is a fast-paced and exciting variation on paintball.

It is typically played in an open field with a variety of inflatable bunkers set up to create different lanes, angles, and strategic areas for players to use.

Tournament play is very popular in the world of speedball, and this is where the big names in paintball play professionally.

Capture the Flag (CTF)

The objective of this paintball game is for one team to bring the other team’s flag back to their own base while the opposing team tries to prevent them from taking their own flag.

If you are hit, you are eliminated from the game as usual.

If a team loses all of its players, the game doesn’t end until the other team brings the flag back.

This game is typically played with a time limit that both teams agree to.

This game emphasizes both working well with others and being fast on your feet.


In this game style, two teams must compete and eliminate all players on the other team to win.

The game is over when one team has no players left, or the time limit expires. If the time limit expires with players remaining on each team, the team with the most players wins.

Pretty straightforward.

Fort Assault

In this scenario, the game begins with one team having only one life and must protect a fort from enemy attackers in a limited amount of time.

The attackers have an infinite number of “respawns”, meaning they can clear the paint off themselves, go back to their base, and start attacking the fort again.

If the attackers infiltrate the base or if time runs out, the game is over.

The defenders lose if the attackers reach the base, or all of the defenders are eliminated.

The defenders win if time runs out and the attackers have not reached the base.

Free-for-All (FFA)

Similar to deathmatch, free-for-all is about eliminating all of the other players, but there are no teams.

In this game, each individual player competes against each other until only one person is left standing.

Mid-game alliances are often formed, but they will obviously shatter at some point as there can only be one winner.

This type of gameplay can be a lot of fun.

Military Simulation

In military simulation, or MilSim paintball games, the rules and scenario can vary greatly.

This style of gameplay is usually based on historical military battles, but can have similar objectives like Fort Assault, Deathmatch, or Capture the Flag.

Players generally use paintball guns and equipment that look like the real thing. MilSim paintball guns are authentic looking and really customizable.

3. Mindset

When playing paintball, you need to be prepared to think quickly and act decisively.

Paintball requires a combination of physical fitness and mental acuity.

You need to develop strategies and anticipate the other team’s tactics in order to succeed.

Unlike other competitive sports, paintball requires more than just physical strength; it also requires strategic thinking and tactical skills.

In order to have the right mindset before you get on the paintball field, you must first understand the rules of each game type as well as how your team fits into the overall strategy.

You must be able to work together with your teammates and make quick decisions when needed.

Communication is key, so it is important that everyone on your team understands their role in relation to the rest of the group.

It is also important that you stay focused and remain calm even in the most intense games.

It is easy to get caught up in a heated moment, but having good discipline can help you stay on top of the situation.

Knowing when to take risks or when to retreat can make all the difference between winning or losing a game of paintball.

By being aware of your own abilities and those of your opponents, you will be able to coordinate attacks accordingly and effectively using any available resources or weapons that may be at your disposal during gameplay.

Paintballs hurt sometimes depending on the situation, but in other situations it won’t hurt at all. Knowing what it feels like to be hit will reduce your anxiety, and allow you to focus on your gameplay instead.

Pro Tip: If you’ve never been hit by a paintball, you should experience this before you play a formal game. It may sound silly, but have someone shoot you (with your mask on of course) from a distance.

If you want, you can also buy protective safety gear if you prefer not to risk the pain.

Finally, it takes practice and dedication in order to become a successful new player in any game mode.

Whether it’s Capture The Flag or Free-for-All, mastering various strategies can help you dominate any field scenario while allowing you to enjoy yourself at the same time.

So don’t forget: always keep an open mind, remember that communication is key, stay focused, and remain calm under pressure – if you do these things then you will greatly increase your chances of succeeding in any paintball game.

4. Be Extroverted

Good communication is necessary to function well on any team.

Before you start playing the game, come up with a plan and communicate with your team.

You can also use hand signals, so make sure you define and understand those before you go out onto the field.

Then, while you’re playing, make sure to pay attention to what everyone is doing, and if the strategy needs to be adjusted.

If the team leader calls out a code word, everyone will know what that entails and can act accordingly.

In the wrong situation, shouting out to move up or take cover will quickly reveal your position.

The use of hand signals and gestures may be the most efficient way to communicate.

5. Get the Gear. Understand the Gear.

Person playing paintball

Having the right paintball gear is a requirement of the game.

There are tons of options and customization available out there, and it’s easy to become a gear junkie.

Paintball fields offer rental gear, which you should try before you buy.

Here are the essentials, though, and how to use them:

Paintball Gun

If you’re at a point where you’re interested in buying your own gun, check out these paintball gun ideas whether you’re a beginner or professional.

Compressed Air Tank

Air tanks are an essential piece of paintball gear as they store the high pressure air (HPA) or CO2 used to power paintball guns.

The tank is connected to the paintball gun and allows players to fire paintballs for long periods of time, depending on the size of the tank.

Air tanks come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from small 25g disposable cartridges, to larger 90 cubic inch (CI) HPA tanks.

The size of tank you’ll need will depend on your paintball gun and playing style — if you’re a casual player who plays a few games every month, then a small CO2 tank should be enough.

If you play competitively or very frequently, then investing in an HPA air tank may make sense.

Paintball Mask

A paintball mask is designed to protect the wearer’s face and eyes from being hit with paintballs, which can cause serious injury.

The mask typically covers the entire face, including the eyes and ears.

Some masks also include additional features such as anti-fog, fans, or visors.


The paintball hopper (or loader system) is an integral part of any paintball gun as it stores and feeds paintballs into the marker’s breech chamber.

Loaders come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from gravity fed or agitating loaders that feed paintballs into the paintball gun at a constant rate, to force-fed loaders that are capable of feeding paintballs much faster.

The type of loader you’ll need will depend on your paintball gun and playing style.

For casual paintball players, a basic agitating loader should be enough.

For serious paintball players who want more firepower, a force-fed loader may prove to be beneficial.


Paintballs are round, gelatin capsules filled with paint dye.

Paintballs come in a variety of colors, sizes, quality, and types — from thin-shelled paintballs for paintball guns that shoot up to 300 feet per second (FPS), to thick-shelled paintballs designed for paintball guns shooting up to 500 FPS (less common).

When choosing paintballs, it’s important to match the type of paintball with your paintball gun’s barrel caliber.

It’s also important to make sure you are buying the right quality of paintballs so that they don’t break in the chamber or barrel when fired.


It’s important to know what to wear for paintball – like clothes that are comfortable and don’t restrict your movement.

Loose-fitting clothing such as paintball jerseys and paintball pants provide the best protection from paintballs while also allowing you to move around freely on the paintball field.

For added protection, look for paintball gear, like paintball vests for example, with integrated padding or thick fabrics designed to protect against paint splatter.

It’s also a good idea to choose clothing in colors that blend into the environment so that you can camouflage yourself during game play.

6. Practice Makes Perfect

In order to be successful in any competitive sport, you need to practice.

First of all, you should practice moving and using your gear to understand how it works.

Practice shooting your paintball gun so you know how it operates, where the shots are landing, what the trigger pull feels like, and how to operate the safety mechanism.

You should also learn how clean it if it jams, and operate the compressed air system.

Secondly, you need to be able to strategize when you play paintball.

This is especially true for paintball, where strategic thinking and tactical skills are essential for your team winning.

Unlike other sports where physical strength is most important, paintball also requires mental acuity.

You need to develop strategies and anticipate the other team’s tactics in order to succeed, so talk with your teammates or other experienced players well in advance.

7. Get in the Game

Now that you know the rules and the gear, grab some friends and head to the paintball field and use the how-to knowledge we’ve given you so far.

Have fun with it, and be careful…you might get addicted!

Key Considerations For Successfully Playing the Game of Paintball

Now that we’ve covered the steps, here are some key insights to start playing paintball successfully.

Taking it to the Next Level: Advanced Paintball Tactics

Let’s talk about an advanced paintball tactic now that you understand the basics:


Flanking is a military tactic used to attack an enemy from the side or rear in order to gain an advantage.

It’s typically done by having two groups of soldiers approach the enemy from different directions, creating an enveloping movement that can overwhelm the enemy and prevent them from retreating or attacking.

Flanking maneuvers have been used since ancient times and are still used today in modern combat.

The success of a flanking maneuver depends on the element of surprise and speed, as well as good communication between the players executing it.

Flanking can be successful even when outnumbered, making it an effective way to gain an advantage in a battle.

Flanking maneuvers are particularly useful against enemies with strong positions or fortifications, as the surprise attack from a different direction can quickly break down their defense.

It’s also useful against enemies who have little knowledge of the terrain and may not expect an attack from the flanks.

Flanking tactic diagram

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Divide into two groups, call them group A and group B (even if there are just two of you).
  2. Group A should establish a fixed position behind cover in front of the opponents.
  3. Group A attacks the fortified opponents from the front – this focuses the opponents’ attention on group A.
  4. Group B sneaks around to either side of the opponents, or behind them – whichever way is the most concealed, if possible.
  5. Group B attacks the opponents and defeats them.

Alternatives to Playing Paintball Games

One popular alternative to paintball is airsoft.

Airsoft is a recreational activity in which participants eliminate opposing players by shooting them with spherical non-metallic pellets called “airsoft bb’s.”

Airsoft is often compared to paintball. However, airsoft uses 6mm plastic BBs while paintball uses gelatin balls that can be filled with food coloring to more easily identify hits.

Airsoft relies on the “honor system” when players are hit because there is no marking caused by the bb’s.

Airsoft guns are also generally powered by electric motors or springs as opposed to compressed gas like a paintball marker.

The strategies and gameplay types of airsoft and paintball are very similar.

The main difference between airsoft and paintball is that airsoft gear looks more realistic, and the honor system has to be used.

Wrapping Up, and Our Experience With Playing Paintball

how to play paintball

Thanks for sticking with us throughout this comprehensive post on playing paintball.

We hope you’ve learned a lot and that our tips will help you succeed when you’re ready to play paintball.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep at it, and always stay focused and calm under pressure.

If you have any questions or want some advice on the best gear to buy, chat with more experienced players to get help with the sport of paintball.

You can also check out more free how to resources, like Pro Edge Paintball.

Grab your paintball gun, and happy hunting!


How do you paintball for beginners?

For beginners in paintball, start by familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and safety guidelines of the game.

Wear appropriate protective gear, focus on communication with your team, and begin with low-impact paintball or recreational games to build confidence and skills gradually.

How do you play and win paintball?

To play and win at paintball, work closely with your team, communicate effectively, and strategically navigate the field to achieve game objectives.

Utilize cover, stay aware of your surroundings, and aim for accuracy when shooting opponents to eliminate them from the game.

What not to do in paintball?

In paintball, it is crucial not to remove your your mask during gameplay as it poses a serious safety risk.

Additionally, avoid overshooting opponents or engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior, such as cheating, as fair play and respect for others are integral to the paintball experience.

What are the rules in paintball?

The specific rules of paintball can vary, but generally, players are eliminated from the game when they are hit by a paintball.

Rules also typically include guidelines on fair play, safety regulations, and objectives for various game formats, emphasizing good sportsmanship throughout the match.

How do paintball games work?

Paintball games typically involve two teams competing against each other with the objective of eliminating opponents by hitting them with paintballs.

Game formats can vary, including scenarios, capture the flag, speedball, or elimination rounds, and players are required to adhere to specific rules and safety guidelines set by the paintball facility or organizers.

What is the best age to start paintball?

The best age to start paintball is typically around 10 to 12 years old, as children at this age are generally better able to understand and follow safety rules while handling the equipment.

It’s crucial to ensure adequate supervision and prioritize safety by providing appropriate protective gear for younger players.